You never know when you open up your place of business what surprises await you that day. One of those unexpected surprises could be a person driving their vehicle through your glass window while your customers are shopping on that side or sitting down and having a meal. You know you should check on the person driving to see if they are ok along with customers that might have been injured. Also, you are now faced with getting your window replaced. This is an expense you were prepared to deal with thanks to having insurance but you should consider suing the person that broke it as well.
Finding A Commercial Glass Service
When looking for a glass service to come in and help with the repairs, you need to find one that specializes in businesses. So you would really need a Commercial glass repair service company newport ky. They will take care of helping you clean it up as well as measuring g out the frame and putting in the proper sized glass. So that your business window will look as if nothing happened. All you have to do is find a business that is good at making your situation look really good. Also, check out the reviews to see what the service is like for other business owners. You will be able to get a pretty good idea as to whether or not their service is good for you. Having a business is part of your reputation, and things just have to be done right. It’s best to find a reputable commercial glass repair service that will measure the glass with great precision and put it in the space without cracking it or any other issues. If they accept your insurance or if they will take the insurance of the driver that broke your window, that would excellent.
The Cost Of Repairing Your Glass
Depending on the size you need, you will find that it will cost around $1,500 to $3,000 to repair or replace your glass window. The installation itself may cost no more than $25 to $75. If you have business insurance and have a rider policy for accidents such as this, then you are covered for everything. However, you will have to come out of pocket to get your window back in place as soon as possible. If you want your money back, you can always sue the person that caused this terrible mess or their insurance if it is feasible. It just doesn’t make sense that someone would do something that reckless. You have to wonder if they were drunk or tired. Did they even care that your children come in and out of your business as well with their parents?
Having your business window fixed is important. You don’t want to leave it in that condition because your store could be broken into and robbed. Plus, someone could get hurt from the glass. Get your window replaced as soon as possible.